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I have a problem or a question

If you encounter a problem while using Appa LCA, you can try to see if it is already known in the FAQ section.

If not, the Issues tab of Appa Build and Appa Run repositories have all chances to be more up to date. If your issue is not known, its also there that you can create a new issue so that we are aware of it.

If you have a question or suggestion, we invite you to use the discussion tabs of both Appa Build and Appa Run.

If you're not sure whether your issue or discussion point falls under Appa Build or Appa Run, please prefer Appa Build the repository issues and discussion tabs.

I want to contribute

You're very welcomed to contribute to the Appa Build or Appa Run source code, both to fix bugs or add new features.

Feel free to reach us if you want to collaborate with us in the development of Appa LCA.